
Weird News- Breaking and Broken

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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Palin Challenges Obama to Submarine Sandwich Eating Contest

November 17th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Washington, D.C. -17 Nov 2009- Amid rising criticism of its domestic and foreign policies, the Obama administration today faced yet another new front opening up in the ongoing partisan war of words. The “Sub Heard Round the World” came as former GOP Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin challenged President Obama directly to face her in [...]


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Man Swallows Three Video Game Controllers

October 26th, 2009 · 3 Comments

San Jose, CA -26 October 2009- Emergency services personnel arrived at the home of Kyle Connasis expecting an accidental poisoning, but they were baffled and shocked to find that Connasis, 26, was suffering from a severely distended stomach with several irregularly shaped lumps. Upon closer examination, the paramedics realized that each of the lumps was [...]


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Elderly Nudists Fight for Acceptance

June 23rd, 2009 · 1 Comment

Kingman, AZ -23 June 2009- A group of dedicated nudists living in a small, self-contained community in the Arizona desert have initiated a concerted defense against what they say is a year-long “smear campaign” put on by local authorities who disapprove of their lifestyle. Kingman officials counter that the group is operating illegally and has [...]


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Webcomic Friday Extravaganza- Introducing Very Serious Issues

June 19th, 2009 · No Comments

Brought to you by Muckflasher and Felonious Burlap Monk. Click to see it in its full size glory. Enjoy!


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Oceanographer Intervenes in Overly Intense Squid Love Affair

June 18th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Monterey, CA -18 June 2009- Oceanographer Tony Bonnatra has led the Cephalopod (squids, octopi and other mollusks) research team at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the last 20 years, and he typically relies on mother nature to keep his tanks in order. However, when he noticed an abnormally energetic relationship between two giant squids in [...]


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Ancient Tibeten Text Advises Buddhists to “Sack Up”

June 5th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Lhasa, TB -5 June 2009- Tibetan scholars researching Buddhist texts from the 14th century were startled recently when a new interpretation of a puzzling religious text by revered Buddhist theologian and thinker Tsongkhapa (1357–1419) revealed a stark style and message never before seen in the Buddhist world. After over 35 years of study, scholars have [...]


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Injured Women Sue over “Organic” Breast Implants

June 2nd, 2009 · 4 Comments

Sacramento, CA -2 June 2009- A group of women has filed a class action lawsuit against several Northern California plastic surgeons who allegedly sold them bogus ‘organic’ breast implants at inflated rates. Furthermore, the suit, which names more than 40 doctors in 10 cities, suggests that the surgeons used unsafe materials in the procedures to [...]


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Lightning Storm During Rain Dance Injures 4

May 29th, 2009 · 3 Comments

Albuquerque, NM -29 May 2009- Staff. A freak lightning storm during a Pueblo Zuni Rain Dance injured four people when a bolt of lightning struck a tin shed used for storing fuel and dry goods. Although the tribe’s leadership continues to investigate the exact sequence of events, eye witness reports indicate that the strike ignited [...]


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French Army Officer Fired for Weaponizing Cheese

May 26th, 2009 · No Comments

Lyons, FR -26 May 2009- For the better part of three decades, Colonel Gerard LeDoux was the Chief Officer of Centre de Guerre Aix-En-Les-Mains, a sprawling army base in the South-Eastern French countryside where the government sponsored millions of euros worth of advanced weapons research. After a recent report revealed that over two thirds of [...]


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California Gyms to Feature Underwater ‘Bathysphere’ Napping Therapy

May 19th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Los Angeles, CA -19 May 2009- Bowing to popular demand, a consortium of L.A.-based fitness centers have pooled their resources to build a 10,000 square-foot shared facility that will allow patrons to do just one single exercise: napping. Based on a concept popular in Japan, the proposed building will house a series of intricately designed [...]


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